Import data in Dynamics 365 using Templates

Import data in Dynamics 365 using Templates

Import data in Dynamics 365 using Templates

In dynamics 365, there is way to import data using entity templetes. We can download this template for any entity and import data into Dynamics 365. Here are the steps.

Step 1:

Login to your organisation and navigate to ‘Settings’ area and select ‘Data Management’.

Step 2:

Click on ‘Templates for Data Import’.

Step 3:

This is the popup window will be shown after completing step 2. From the dropdown we can download template for any entity. Choose entity and click download button.

Step 4:

Open the downloaded template add any number of records in it and save the excel file.

Step 5:

Now navigate to ‘Settings’ -> ‘Data Management’ and click on ‘Imports’.

Step 6:

Click on ‘Import Data’ button.

Step 7:

Now, click on ‘Choose file’ button and select your saved excel file from step 4.

Step 8:

Here you can allow or restrict duplicate records creation based on duplicate detection settings. You can also change the owner of the records by selecting from the user lookup. By default, login user is selected as the owner of importing records. Click ‘Submit’ button to start importing.

Step 9:

Initially importing status reason shows as ‘Submitted’. The total number of records processed will be shown under ‘Total Processed’ column.

Step 10:

Record count of successful import will be shown under ‘Successes’ column. If any error occurred during import, those record count will be shown under ‘Error’ column. We can double click on any record and see the import information such as success, failure reason etc. after the completion of import process the status reason will be changed as ‘Completed’.

Step 11:

Now navigate to ‘Sales’ area and select ‘Accounts’.

Step 12:

That’s it. Account data imported successfully. You can change the view and see the data as you wish.

Happy CRMing..!

This article was written by Monika Sri

On record select event of editable sub grid

On record select event of editable sub grid

On record select event of editable sub grid

The introduction of editable grid in Dynamics 365 is very useful to do inline editing of records. This will now provide the ability to group by or sort by any column, allows filtering & filter controls for lookup fields. We can enable editable grid for an entity and for a sub grid. Let’s look at the steps to activate editable grid for a sub grid.


Let’s consider the scenario that, there is a sub grid (Product entity) in opportunity entity. Whenever we select any product from the sub grid, the product should be added in opportunity product entity.

Step 1:

To insert sub grid in opportunity entity, Open the Opportunity form in form editor, click on insert tab, then click on “Sub grid”.

Step 2:

Give a proper name and label for a sub grid. Under data sources choose record type as “All Record Types”. Because there is no relationship between Opportunity and Product. Select default view based on requirement.

Step 3:

Navigate to “Controls” tab of the sub grid and click on the link button called “Add Control”. Then click on “Editable Grid”.

Step 4:

Now it will show the configuration and properties of the editable grid. Choose editable grid control for web. You can also enable it for phone and tablet. There is an option to enable or disable the ‘group by’ and filter option for editable grid.

Step 5:

Navigate to “Events” tab. Add libraries and call functions in sub grid events. Here I have called my function in on record select event of the sub grid. The reference code is below.

Step 6:

Add selected product in opportunity product:

To add the selected product in opportunity product, a validation has been done that the product is already added in opportunity product or not. If “No” then confirmation dialog will be shown, and the product will be added otherwise it just refresh the grid and throw an alert saying that “Already added”. Call the below function in the “on record select” event of sub grid.

function getselectedrecords()
var grid = window.parent.document.getElementById(“FilteredProductGrid”);
var OppProductgrid=window.parent.document.getElementById(“opportunityproductsGrid”);
var OppGuid= Oppid.substr(1).slice(0, -1);
var selectedRows = Xrm.Page.getControl(“FilteredProductGrid”).getGrid().getSelectedRows();
selectedRows.forEach(function(selectedRow, i) {
var entityGuid = selectedRow.getData().getEntity().getId();
var check=”New”;
XrmServiceToolkit.Rest.RetrieveMultiple(“OpportunityProductSet”, “?$select=OpportunityId,ProductId&$filter=OpportunityId/Id eq (guid'”+OppGuid+”‘)”,
function(results) {
for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { var opportunityId = results[i].OpportunityId; var productId = results[i].ProductId; if(productId.Id===entityGuid) { check="Old"; alert("This product is already added!"); grid.control.Refresh(); OppProductgrid.control.Refresh(); } } }, function(error) { Xrm.Utility.alertDialog(error.message); }, function() { //On Complete - Do Something }, false); if(check==="New") { Xrm.Utility.confirmDialog("Do you want to add this product?", function() { var entity = {}; entity.OpportunityId = { Id: OppGuid, LogicalName: "opportunity" }; entity.ProductId = { Id: entityGuid, LogicalName: "product" }; entity.Quantity = parseFloat(1).toFixed(5); entity.UoMId = { Id: "9334a168-ca23-47d9-bd38-07d69cfdce1c", LogicalName: "uom" }; XrmServiceToolkit.Rest.Create(entity, "OpportunityProductSet", function(result) { var newEntityId = result.OpportunityProductId; }, function(error) { Xrm.Utility.alertDialog(error.message); }, true); grid.control.Refresh(); OppProductgrid.control.Refresh(); alert("Selected record Added!"); return; }, function(){ grid.control.Refresh(); OppProductgrid.control.Refresh(); }); } }); }

Step 7:

To filter the records in Sub grid: (Optional)

We can filter the sub grid data based on certain criteria. This step is not mandatory. You can use this function if you need to filter data in a sub grid and call this function wherever you need.

function subgridFilter()
if(Xrm.Page.ui.getFormType() !=”1″)
var grid = window.parent.document.getElementById(“FilteredProductGrid”);
var cityvalue = Xrm.Page.getAttribute(“new_city”).getValue();
var roomsneeded=Xrm.Page.getAttribute(‘new_requiredrooms’).getValue();
var cityid = “00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000”;
var cityname;
if (cityvalue != null)
var cityid = cityvalue[0].id;
if(grid == null)
{setTimeout(function () {subgridFilter(); }, 2000);}
var GUIDvalue =;
if(grid.control !=null){
var FetchXML =

grid.control.SetParameter(“FetchXML”, FetchXML);
setTimeout(function () {subgridFilter(); }, 3000);}

Happy CRMing..!

This article was written by Monika Sri

Creating SSRS Report for Dynamics 365 Online

Creating SSRS Report for Dynamics 365 Online

Creating SSRS Report for Dynamics 365 Online

What is SSRS?

SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) is a server-based reporting platform that allows us to create and manage a wide variety of different types of reports and deliver them in a range of formats.

Required Components:

Follow the steps below to create and deploy the report in Dynamics 365 Online.

Step 1:

Open Visual Studio → Create new project

Step 2:

Select Business Intelligence Template → Reporting Services → Report Server Project Wizard → Enter the Project Name and click OK.

Report Wizard will be shown

Step 3:

Enter the Data source name, select the Type as “Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fetch” and enter your connection string (Dynamics 365 URL) also enter your logon credentials for Dynamics 365. Then click Next.

Then the query design page will display. You can get the query from dynamics 365 advance find.

Step 4:

Go to dynamics 365 instance → click Advance Find

In advance find build a query (for example Retrieve All Accounts information like Name, Account Number, and Address) and execute the query in Advance Find.

Click Download Fetch XML

Check the downloaded fetch xml query

Step 5:

Copy the fetch XML code and paste it in the query string section

Click Run in Query builder so that you can see the query results from dynamics 365 online.

Step 6:

Now you can select the type of your report as Tabular / Matrix, and click Next

Design the table and click Next

Step 7:

Specify the Report Name and click Finish.

You can edit the table design as per your need, save and build the project.

Step 8:

Go to Dynamics 365 Instance. Select Reports

Step 9:

Click New to create new report.

Step 10:

In New Report form select Report type as Existing file, Click Choose File to select the rdl file. Enter Name for this report and select report categories then save the report.

Run Report in Dynamics 365 its looks like below.

Happy CRM ing!

This article was written by Yogeswari KJ

CRM Systems – 4 Reasons Why It’s Your Most Valuable Asset!

CRM Systems – 4 Reasons Why It’s Your Most Valuable Asset!

CRM Systems – 4 Reasons Why It’s Your Most Valuable Asset!

Simply make a survey and you would learn that around 5 companies out of 10 are managing their important business operations with the help of the spreadsheets. There are chances that the spreadsheets might get outdated or lost. Tracking, managing, updating could be difficult and it would lead to serious threat when the document reaches the wrong hands. Similarly, the Business cards are among the best sources to collect customer data, but they finally end up lying in the drawer or card holder. The lack of collaboration in all such methods would result in poor customer interaction.

The database of the customers increases in terms of value when every employee works unitedly in populating it along with the data. And this is where the Microsoft Customer Relationship Management works miracles. The CRM not only helps by building customer strategies but also adds strategies that add lead nurturing.

Let’s mark up 4 prime reasons why CRM system is the most valuable assets for any company.

Focus on client interactions

Not everyone you approach and interact with would get converted into sale the same day. So, keeping them informed about the products and services you offer, and this would be the best idea. For this, organizing the contacts and customers should never be avoided. With the help of some basic categorization, you can turn the data efficient for implementing the strategy of CRM for meeting the requirements.

Track the customer interactions from everyone

While interacting with the customer or the prospect, you are sure to know the company and some basic details regarding the same. Hence, while talking with the customer, let him know that he is important. This would help in building healthy and long-term relationships. Emails here play a vital role due to which they should be kept in your system and not in the inbox of every candidate.

Helps in framing a way to sales

There must be a long list of unsold prospects in your system, right? This happens when a customer says NO and you dump them in the unsold list. But at times, this NO actually means NOT TODAY. The CRM actually keeps such data on active mode and with the help of effective marketing strategy with emails, the business benefit later in achieving their plans.

Holds your customer

The candidates would change the job anytime. At that time, losing the data due to lack of registration of candidates, lack of updating, etc. just because the relevant details were not stored is surely something you wouldn’t like to block your way to preserving the most valuable assets, right?

CRM is the key to focus on the customers. By investing in Microsoft Customer Relationship Management, the businesses are sure to invest in productivity and profits too. So, do you agree CRM system would be helpful for your business? Write to us.

This article was written by Subbu

Why .NET development is important for your business?

Why .NET development is important for your business?

Why .NET development is important for your business?

There are market situation is tough and there’s a competition everywhere. It has become the responsibility of the business to provide something new, innovative and exciting all the time. And the web development companies are much focused on it giving out cut-throat competition with custom applications. Among the various active programming models, Dot NET Application development is much popular for supporting the building of software applications for various services of Microsoft.

No matter whatever business you are engaged in, the success and the failure of the products or projects are basically decided with the help of the return achieved on the investment. And .NET comes with amazing features that help in reducing the cost of development and operations for giving the organization and effective ROI.

Let’s explore some of the advantages Dot Net Application Development adds to your company progress.

Reduced coding

Wait a minute! Reduced coding also brings along with its increase in the reuse of the codes which helps in avoiding unnecessary programming. The object-based programming includes working on only the necessary codes and .NET helps with reusing the codes and other components that save both time and cost for developing the applications.


.NET programming model was introduced in the year 2002, and since then, it has helped in the development of various applications. Whether you are using a Windows Server of 2000, 2003 or any latest version, Dot NET application development has always remained reliable and stable in delivering productive results.

Easy deployment

Working with a framework of .NET allows you to work with amazing features like private components, no-impact applications, side by side versioning, controlled sharing of codes, codes that are partially trusted, etc. which makes deployment much easier after the development. The environment in which the codes are executed is much safe that increases the performance levels and reduces the interpreted problems.

No barriers to languages and platforms

.NET comes with zero barriers when it comes to languages and platforms. The developers are set free to use any platform for development like a mobile browser, desktop, PDA application, browser, etc. Again, they are independent in selecting complex languages too like managed C++, C#, Visual COBOL, VB.NET, Iron Ruby, Iron Python, and many more.

Integration with multiple routes

Be it XML document, XPS document, or any other kind of file formats, .NET is capable to process every kind of document with any file format. It helps with multiple routes for the process of integration with ease and swiftness.

Dot NET application development is also termed as the most secure programming model with enhanced security levels with the help of Windows configuration and confirmations. Again, the CLR and the managed codes add to the security features of the development. So, do you think working with .NET would be advantageous for your business?

This article was written by Subbu

Why do we use it?

Why do we use it?

Why do we use it?

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using ‘Content here, content here’, making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for ‘lorem ipsum’ will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like).

This article was written by Subbu